My name is Jared and this be my fist post! Thank you Jess for inviting me :D
So this be my little pet giving me some lubbings.
Its been a while sense ive drawn much but I hope to keep up a good healthy habit of a drawing a week.
So I don’t know if ppl normally post the progression of there work but I thought I would for this fist post. I stared with a thumb nail on a posted note, then did a rough drawing scanned it and did the clean lines in Photoshop.
Not sure if I will color this guy later on or not. Only time will tell.

Haha!! This is such a funny idea and drawn so well Jared! You should draw stuff like this more often!, this is VERY similar to my idea, lol. I have to go.. think of... some other idea now ;P
nice one dude! i like how his tongue is pretty much just an extra little tentacle - color it, color it, color it!
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