
CHALLENGE! January, Week 4: Pug + Alligator =

my idea did not really work  the way I wanted


Kent said...

Oh, man....love the eyes.

g1toons said...

thanks, love your design also

Jess Morris said...

Haha, so cute! He looks like a sad friendly pugligator. Confused about where he belongs.. not a pug, not a gator. He needs a other oddball side kick to be best of friends with. And they shall live happily ever after not needing to belong anywhere, but with each other.

g1toons said...

haha nice description, its kind of how i felt while drawing it a little confused trying to decide how to get the features of both animals working together, congrats on Rango by the way, not sure if i congratulated you already, it was one of my favorite movies of 2011